Saturday, February 24, 2007

Expand No Child Left Behind?!

Even though High Schoolers are performing worse than before in standardized tests!?

About 35 percent of 12th-graders tested in 2005 scored proficient or better in reading -- the lowest percentage since the test was launched in 1992, the new data showed. And less than a quarter of seniors scored at least proficient on a new version of the math test; officials called those results disappointing but said they could not be compared to past scores. In addition, a previous report found that 18 percent of seniors in 2005 scored at least proficient in science, down from 21 percent in 1996.

As I reported about this law last year, the No Child Left Behind has already failed. As a matter of fact it's sole purpose is to abolish schools by erodsion. Since Dubya knows they know if they abolish public schools outright, the American public will be pissed off. And this is just Prince George's County. This kind of pressure has forced teachers to keep two records.

The potential for grade and course-title inflation is not confined to low-performing schools. Julie Greenberg, a math teacher at Montgomery Blair High School in Silver Spring, said she was under such pressure to raise grades that she used to keep two sets of books in her statistics class: one for the grades students deserved and one for the grades that appeared on report cards.

The Republicrat Congress ought to repeal this law, ASAP.

1 comment:

Ross said...

It makes perfect sense when you think about it. Congress has tried, time and again, to institute private school vouchers, and time and again, the public has shot them down in public elections. Do the politicians quit? Of course not, they simply try to find a loophole.

The loophole in this matter is No Child Left Behind. As you said, it's failing, but that was the point from the start, it was supposed to fail, so then schools can be handed over to private control (actually, I think I'm going to write a blog on this right now). Good post, it really got me thinking!