Saturday, May 02, 2009

O'Malley Will Run Again! Governor and Lt. Governor to Plan for 2010 Re-election!

Current Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley and Lt. Gov. Anthony Brown will be planning for their re-election next year in 2010. He announced his plan in a meeting with Fredrick County Democrats. Anthony Brown told 130 people in attendance in the meeting that "their administration is focusing on job creation, providing education funding and eliminating childhood hunger."

He also mentioned about the current recession that Maryland is doing a lot better than in other states "but that doesn't mean that people aren't struggling in our communities".

Interestingly Republicans still outnumber Democrats in the county. While the Governor were elected with about 53 percent of the vote in 2006, defeating incumbent Republican Robert Ehrlich voters in Frederick county however, favored Ehrlich by a wide margin.

But the real question remains: What will be their priorities for next year election?

Brown: we're running for re-election
Lt. governor says he and O'Malley will run in 2010

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