Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Adventures in Video Gaming: Longest.Soldier.Front.Match.Ever!

Tonight I played a few matches of ijji.com's Soldier Front. It's a Online FPS similar to Valve's Counter-Strike. I have not played a match of this game for weeks (read:coursework). The final match before bed took place on a snowy factory. I expected a few more players, but I get four players out of sixteen. I must tell you that this level is huge with just four players. Yet sadly, one by one dropped out until there was two. Soldier Front for the match has turned into Sneak and Kill. What makes matters worse is that there's no time limit. First to 30 kills wins and for me it prolonged the game than necessary.

But I managed to survived. Mostly by rediscovering camping. If anyone does not know about camping, in First Person Shooters camping is staying in a spot and just shoot whatever moves. Snipers in these games are famous for it, despite the fact that "camping" is dishonorable in FPS shooters. But I did not have a choice, it was a one-on-one match. Quitting a match is dishonorable as well in online games.

One by one, I racked up kills, each one closer to thirty. One he comes up, I shot the M16 on him. My opponent knew what I was doing, so he tried sneaking to catch me off-guard. Then he finally uses grenades on my hiding spot. One by far away, and a few times by throwing one beside me. When I got 29 kills, it was time for me go for the last shot.

When I got outside, in the snow, my opponent was hiding by the truck, so I searched it by strating it. I knew he was around the vehicle. And he was there, about to fire on me. I held down the mouse button and had the crosshair on him. A few seconds later he was dead, and I won. I was expecting a lot of points, but 185? (Shit I deserve a lot more for that).

So that how I won the longest Soldier Front match ever. Now time for my to take a shower and head for bed. (It's almost 2:30am!)

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