Monday, February 25, 2008

$2 Million Dollars?! What About Our Profits?!

The O'Malley Government is supporting a bill that would require power plants and other industries that pollute to pay air pollution fees so that the Maryland Department of Environmental Resources to use the money to hire 26 vacant spots for inspectors.
"We need to have adequate enforcement of our air pollution laws, and we don't have that - only 18 inspectors looking after 11,600 sources of air pollution," said Sen. Brian E. Frosh, a Montgomery County Democrat and sponsor of the bill. "That means more air pollution, which causes more health problems for people."

Critics of the legislation say that raising the fees on smokestacks would place an unfair burden on businesses and could lead to higher electric bills for a public already complaining about rate increases.
Here's the difference, the latter were just electric bill increases so that Constellation (who owns BGE) to make more profit. The former is a non issue, because air pollution affects everyone. You want to know a better idea? Outlaw all air pollution except for trace amounts.

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