Wednesday, November 08, 2006

What Maryland Democrats ought to do in the Next General Assembly?

  1. State-funded Univerisal Health Care,
  2. Publicly takeover BGE and all public utilities,
  3. Raise the mininum wage to a living wage of $12 per hour
  4. Provide for Free Public Education from Pre-K to Graduate
  5. Expand and improve Public Transport, no more road building (That include trams and passenger rail, I'm looking at you MTA Maryland/MARC)
  6. Repeal the Sales tax, raise mininum tax threshold to average Marylander yearly salary, and make the rich pay their share
  7. Stop pollution of all kinds
  8. Build public housing for everyone, and in way that allows the community to grow and not in disadvantaged areas.
  9. Implement a levy for public broadcasting stations of 2 dollars per month to be added on to electric bills to allow MPT and maryland public radio to finally fully serve its mission
  10. Last and not least: Decodify the Annonated Code of Maryland. Simplfy the law to plain English so that average people can read Acts of the Maryland General Assembly.

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