Friday, December 29, 2006

Saddam Must Die! (While Iraq will disintergrate further.)

From what I heard from the mainstream media that saddam will be executed by Iraqi authorities around 10pm EST. Yet as much as we all want to die, I rather have him rot away slowly in prison. The Progressive offered a editorial against it:

In a country like Iraq that is being torn asunder right now by revenge killings, the execution of Saddam will serve only to further enflame the Sunni population, leading to yet another round of sectarian violence. The cycle of murder will spin ever faster after Saddam hangs lifeless.

Basically, if Iraqi's execute Saddam, it would seal the fate of Iraq towards the Gates of Hell, and the country would be nothing but another mounument of Imperial Americana's sin. May the Gods of Abraham forgive Dubya. (And even that will not save him from impeachment, if it ever comes)

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