Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Here's What Republicrats should really do.

The Democrats will for 100 days dominate Congress by draining the swamp of 12 years Republican laws. But will they trash the (un)PATRIOT Act and order a repeal of American troops out of Iraq? Probally not, but tompaine.com has three top things Congress should do first.

1.Universal Health Care
Most Americans who support a national health program favor a single-payer system, which keeps the private delivery of health care in the hands of physicians and hospitals, but takes away the moving of money from the insurance industry and places it under a single public agency. Sound familiar? Sure, it’s called Medicare, which is why the bill by Rep. John Conyers, D-Mich., H.R. 676, is often referred to as “Medicare For All.”
2.Lower Engery Cost
According to the Apollo Alliance ’s plan, for a 10-year national investment of a bit more than $313 billion, we would generate $1.43 trillion in economic activity, $953.87 billion in personal income and over $3.3 million new good-paying jobs.
3. Univerisal Wireless Broadband (I like this one)
Spend $5 billion to set up a free wireless Internet network across the country for every American. My friend, sociologist Joel Rogers, calculates that wireless for a typical city of 150 square miles costs about $20 million to set up and, if you figure 200 such cities cover about 30,000 square miles, you cover 80 percent of the population at a total cost of $4 billion. Throw in another billion for the less populous areas and, presto, you’ve just lowered peoples’ cost of living by hundreds of dollars a year (a whole lot more than the majority of people got from the Bush tax cuts).
I personally like the third choice because it would save all americans a lot of money and promote real competition and high service.

But don't expect any of that in this year's Congress.

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