Friday, February 02, 2007

Six Stamps Get! Waitng Game Begins!

Just a moment ago I got enough stamps to enter a raffle to get a video
ipod. I walways wanted those things, seems like 50% of this campus has
one. But anyway in order to get a ipod you have get a bingo sheet on the
desk near the Grand Ballroom, once you get it there are two ways.

Bingo style which is from left to right, top, to bottom or diaglonally
in four squares. Or get six squares in any space. Once you get either
one. You turn in your sheet to the main desk of the Union. You do not
have to be there when they begin the drawing, but you're more than
welcome to.

How do you get these stamps? Go to the many events and exhibits in the
Stampfest! Try something new. But for me I will return for the Halo 2
laser tag event tonight by seven.

For now, I'm out.

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